Benefits of a Breast Cancer Support Group


Find the Support You Need

Support groups play an important part in processing life changes or major illnesses. When it comes to breast cancer support, there are so many benefits to joining a support group that can provide benefit and relief—especially in terms of mental and emotional health.  Keep reading to learn about just some of the benefits found when attending a breast cancer support group. 

Connect with a Common Cause

No matter who is in your support group, you can find comfort in knowing that this is a group of individuals going through similar experiences. Being surrounded by people who understand what you are going through can help you to feel less lonely or isolated. 

A Place for Honesty 

For some, it might be hard to speak the truth with your loved ones about what you are experiencing with breast cancer. This is another area where having those who are going through a similar experience can be beneficial and allow you to speak openly. 

Learn from Other Resources

Support groups also offer a great place for people to share helpful tips and resources. This can be anything from sharing coping mechanisms that people have picked up or sharing information about treatment and economic options associated with breast cancer.

Gaining Hope 

Within a breast cancer support group, there are likely many people at different stages of their treatment or loved one’s treatment. Many people will find hope in seeing the progress in others and it gives them a renewed hope for the future. 

Feeling Purposeful  

Starting out, it might seem like you’re only on the receiving end benefiting from others supporting you, listening, and offering advice. Don’t forget, you are doing the same for others and this can oftentimes lead to feeling a greater sense of purpose.

How to Find a Breast Cancer Support Group

There are many different ways to find support groups for people affected by breast cancer. Start by asking your doctor, clinic, or hospital if they know of a support group in your community. Non-profit organizations that are involved with particular medical conditions could also be a great resource to use. Lastly, the internet provides many different options to find information about support groups, as well as online support groups. Websites like the National Institute of Health have a variety of resources for finding support groups for not only breast cancer but for many different illnesses and life changes. 

Learn more about what the Vera Bradley Foundation does for breast cancer research by visiting our page on the promising progress. 

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