Celebrating Women's History Month


Women’s history month was created to be a celebration of historic events centered around women but it has also grown into so much more. Women around the world are taking this time to honor the female role models in their lives that have inspired them. March was designated as “Women’s History Month” in 1987 when Congress passed Public Law 100-9. To celebrate Women’s History Month we are highlighting memories shared by Sue Miller. An inspiring story of her mother’s journey fighting breast cancer, continuing her career, and raising a family.

Sue Miller’s Story 

The following text was shared by Sue Miller:

“When you lose your mom early in life, it is easy to remember her as nothing but a saint; the perfect person who did everything right and never faltered. So when I sat down to write about her as the woman I admire the most, I was afraid to delve in too deep into my psyche as I wanted her to remain on that pedestal. Is she really the woman I admire most, or is she someone I have created in my mind since I lost her over 35 years ago?

I lost my mom to breast cancer when I was in my early 20s. She battled breast cancer for 14 years. It had spread to her spine when she was diagnosed and she was often sidelined, bound to her recliner to help relieve the pain. She would rest a few hours, maybe days, and then muster up the courage and strength to get back up and carry on with her life. Through all of this, she managed to work at our family printing business, be a wife, a mother, and a friend to many, and led a happy life.


I was about 8 years old when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. As I thought about what I was going to say in this essay, it dawned on me that she was sick with cancer for two-thirds of my life with her! The fact that I never thought about it that way is a testament to why I admire this woman. When I think of my 23 years with my mom, I see a positive, beautiful, funny, happy strong woman. She endured so much pain and must have spent many hours internalizing her fears, frustrations, and dashed dreams, as it wasn’t a matter of IF the cancer was going to win, but WHEN. But she never showed us the fear and the worries. She was too busy setting goals to see one more family milestone: an elementary school graduation, a high school graduation, a wedding, a grandchild. 


When I reflect back on her life as my mom I see her in that recliner on her bad days, but that pales in comparison to the bigger picture of her life and how she lived it. I see her riding alongside my dad in their 1948 MG on their car club excursions, hosting festive (sometimes wild!) parties in our California backyard oasis, and playing Cat Stevens on the piano while I accompanied her on my flute. I see her helping me shop for clothes to fit my awkward 6’ frame in middle school, comforting my high school friends when they were going through rough times at home, helping me pack up and move to college, and planning my wedding. These memories were just a snippet of the normal, admirable life she led despite her prognosis. When I look back on it now, I regret that I didn’t try to talk to her more about her worries and fears and her hopes for us after she was gone. But I don’t think she wanted us to focus on that. She wanted to make our lives as normal as possible, full of love, laughter, and hope. So you see, I don’t think I just created this saint in my head, she was truly admirable. She was funny and courageous until the end, making jokes with the nurses in the hospital in her last days on earth. When we were trying to decide what would go on her headstone after she was gone, we picked two words; courage and humor, as that was my mom in a nutshell. A perfect tribute to the woman I most admire. Thanks, Mom!”


Celebrating the Women of Stories of Strength 

The Vera Bradley Foundation tells the stories of many women who have courageously battled breast cancer. Each woman has their own inspirational story to share. For some, this is their first encounter with breast cancer, and for others, this is something they are all too familiar with. Visit our Stories of Strength page to learn more about the different women and their journey with breast cancer.

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